Blog 4th Feb- 15th Feb


UOI- Moving ahead with the on-going unit of inquiry, students understood the difference between public places that are needed and those that form a part of our  want. Students used their research skills to conduct a survey for their weekend home assignment wherein they asked members of their family and neighbours about public places they would like to have near their homes. Students were given pictures of various public places and they arranged them in order of priority on a pyramid.

Students debated on the essential amenities required at a public place. Further to this, they made a mind map in their journals; listing essentials. Students brainstormed and understood how the absence of the essential requirements lead to challenges.

Formative assessment was conducted through a “Take and Talk”, wherein students chose a public place and created posters for the same. They then spoke about the importance of the public place chosen by them, the signs and symbols found there and the essential elements of the public place. Giving a voice to the students, the rubric for the take and talk was co-constructed in class  with  students themselves.

English- This week students enhanced their writing skills using various paragraph writing strategies like 5Ws and H strategy and description of an object/place using their senses.

Students enjoyed listening to various stories narrated to them in class and reflected on them. They also revised various grammar concepts identifying the nouns, adjectives and articles from the stories.

Guest speaker session – A parent fromschool , Ms Nidhi was invited as a guest speaker to narrate a story about a public places. It was an engaging story and students understood that a public place is not for personal use and has to be shared with everyone.

Math- During their Math classes, students continued practicing subtraction using different strategies. They practiced single and double digit subtraction sums and number facts. They also revisited the concept of place value.

Math assembly– Students of Grade 1 also participated in an interesting Math assembly wherein they revisited various concepts like measurement, addition and subtraction through games.

Art– This week, first graders explored the visual art aspects and basic elements of maps. They also engaged in discussions around the symbolic representations and artistic aspects seen on public signage. Based on these observations, they designed artworks that explored public spaces, as blueprint drawings.

Library-Students listened to an exquisitely illustrated original tale based on the mythical character who reveals how Jack earned his name as Jack Frost.Jack was first discovered asleep in the snow by the many gentle creatures who lived deep in the forest. A very little boy with snow-white skin surprised his forest friends by waking up and working real magic! Everything he touched turned to frost, which is why the owls, the magpies, the unicorn, the wood choppers, and all the other forest creatures named him Jack Frost.  Along came the goblins, who smelled of boiled cabbage, made many rude noises, and loved to tell lies. The goblins were jealous because they believed that the magic of the forest should be in their power- and not in Jack Frost’s. When they tried to steal Jack’s magic, they discovered that he was far more  clever than they were! The wonderful picture storybook  offered a very appealing tale.

ICT– ICT was integrated with UOI where students were introduced to MS-Word. They have begun to learn how to add a page border, colour, shapes and different formatting options  while working on word.

Music– The students were introduced to the rhythmic theory. They learnt about note names and values and also learnt about the parts of a note.

They also sang ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay (

PE-The students continued with their lessons in cricket where they learned specific warm up and cooling down exercises (stretching exercises) that they do before and after a particular sport.

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